- Environment Respect
Environment Respect

Ceramica Globo has decided to give its corporate policy a distinct eco-friendly significance. The commitment involves every management and production aspect, in the knowledge that the efforts made can be an important variable in the business strategy, as well as an ethical value of absolute importance.
Ceramica Globo’s sensitivity to the global environmental emergency has prompted the company to place the environment at the centre of its economic, social and industrial policies. This is an important choice created to fulfil two basic market needs: on the one hand, to provide solutions that are more and more environmentally friendly as a concrete response to the increasing requests from customers; on the other one, to gradually reduce the impact of the production cycle on the territory, reinforcing its commitment in terms of an aware and responsible global activity.
In fact, this brings the company to make absolutely prudent business decisions, for example, with the reduction of electricity consumption and the use of natural resources, the reduction of CO2 emissions and increase of energy efficiency.
Ceramica Globo has chosen to adopt numerous raw materials deriving from recycling activities. An excellent example is the material obtained from common household glass bottles that are completely reused.
Particular attention is paid to recovering solid waste from the production processes. Products that do not meet the high quality standards of Ceramica Globo are ground and reused inside the mixtures.
Ceramica Globo is a member of the Green Building Council Italia for sustainable building and aims to achieve the “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED), the most important and strictest American energy and environmental certificate for the development of “green” buildings. The LEED standards, applied in 40 countries worldwide, indicate the requirements for developing sustainable and self-sufficient structures from an energy point of view.
Ceramica Globo’s commitment to the environment is more than ever focused on water resources, a precious asset. Studies conducted inside its research laboratory have allowed creating an effective system for reusing all the industrial waters in the production of the mixtures, with water savings of 10 cubic meters per day (equivalent to 10,000 litres).
In this regard it should be pointed out that the design efforts of the Globo technical team have led to the creation of a water treatment plant with the use of natural algae (phytodepuration), producing excellent results without any impact on the ecosystem.
From the energy point of view, the optimization of consumption levels is guaranteed by a particular system for recovering the heat of the kilns to dry the pieces during the manufacturing cycle. Moreover, solar panels generate enough hot water to meet the company’s needs all year long.
Ceramica Globo’s design work focuses on the realization of proposals that guarantee absolute durability throughout time and a higher degree of recyclability at the end of their life cycle.
The internal technical office is equipped with the most advanced research and design tools currently available. This allows the company to perform on-going studies and analyses on the plants and products.
All the Globo pans have an enamelled rim for easier cleaning and better rinsing of the entire surface to be cleaned.
All the Globo pans have an enamelled siphon for a more efficient flush, better hygiene and greater durability.
Ceramica Globo’s commitment to environmental sustainability is becoming more and more concrete. Since July 2015 several photovoltaic systems have been put into operation, which are able to produce over 2,500,000 kWh per year, thus covering about 60% of the company’s energy needs. The systems, comprising 5545 solar panels, were placed in both production sites and have an installed capacity of about 2 MW.
The energy produced by this type of technology is totally clean as is obtained through the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity, thus producing no polluting emissions.
This latest development is part of a corporate policy with a distinctly ecological emphasis that places the environment at the heart of its economic, social, industrial and economic policies.